
We have decided to express our idea through an interview, as these are common place in radio and the format gives us room for creativity and manipulation.

Now that we had our idea we could then distribute the work, the work was divided into Dialogue editing, SFX, music and background, and broadcasting. We also had two people write a script and create a timeline of events, this allowed everyone else to begin working on sections.

We will express our piece through an interview of an instagram influencer, as this seems like the epitome of spectacle. The interview will then turn sour at one point, and will begin to turn the soundscape uncomfortable and jarring, the interviewee will begin an impassioned monologue similar to Howard Beale in Network (1976). When we reach a crescendo we will then hard cut to a relaxing auditory space, and an extract from ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ will be read out.

Ive found that he concept for the piece has been pretty much unanimously accepted which I find surprising. However I think its been hard to coordinate collaboration between people as everyone is at home, and the piece is forming as everyone makes their parts. As a result of this the piece has been an amalgamation of peoples works, different tempos and keys. This does have some positives such as giving a sense of chaos (which is a theme we are trying to convey) but I think it would’ve been nice to have people collaborate on sections knowing how they would fit together, perhaps this would be easier to do in person and with more time.

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