‘Ive been away but now im back’

Natural sound reflective writing-

I found it quite easy to create the vocal sounds in sound grain as I’ve worked with it before. I did however try to create less perfect harmonies than I did previously, as I feel that this suits plants and nature better, there is a sense of imperfection or not adhering to a particular order. I created four tracks, differing in pitch and harmony (though only slightly), I plan to assign these to plants in the environment. Hopefully the four tracks are diverse enough to avoid melding into one. If not I’ll have to record more later in the mixing process. 

Mechanical Sound reflective writing-

I found it very easy to record the guitar string rattle, however the finished result wasn’t quite what I had hoped for. I thought it would blend in with the vocal sound a bit more, but it seems to stick out in the mix. Also I noise gated this sound with the side chain input as the leaves rustling, this did not produce the effect I wanted. The sound wasn’t as defined as I would hope, it just sounds like its being turned up for a few seconds. I didn’t manage to record the metal sound I wanted due to time constraints, however I will try to record it at a later date. 

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