We have a unique opportunity to produce a piece of work responding to the destruction of the elephant and castle shopping centre as the destruction is visible from the space. The destruction of the shopping centre displaces a large Latin American community, I want my contribution to the work to be informed by this in some way. I also want to include the history of the centre, and how areas go through continual change.

Ive found a broadcast about the development of the centre in 1962. It speaks about area being unrecognisable to the long time residents, I think this will be a nice parallel for what’s to come in the next few years. I find it interesting listening to peoples concerns and feeling about the development in 1962, almost all of the problems seem to still be prevalent now. I want to mangle the audio from the broadcast, creating a sense of distance, from reality or in time. The destruction of the audio also following the theme of demolition. This will be achieved through granular synthesis, bit crushing and subtractive equalisation.

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