I need to find a film scene suitable to my project, I will first outline the necessary qualities of the scene:
-No score (this will get in the way of my score defeating the object of the project)
-A lot of diegetic sound (this will give me a lot to work with in terms of side-chaining)
– Ample emotional context ( I need to have something to express through the score)
I have decided on the ending diner scene from Lynne Ramsay’s ‘You were never really here’, it fits all of the criteria. Something I realise I need to do is to isolate the different elements of the sound scape so I can manipulate them melodically. The elements that make up the scene are dialogue, chatter, plates clinking and air conditioning.
‘You were never really here’ is renowned for its sound design, it won a British Independent Film Award for Best sound and a best Score award from the Boston Online Film Critics Association. There are particular moments in the sound design where the diegetic sound blends with the score, this is the exact thing I am trying to achieve. This ending scene is devoid of a score, it only has the radio playing in the background and extenuated diegetic sound. Im going to try and use this to my advantage, vocoding the diegetic sound to create a score.