
I tried to make some progress recording the breaths for the main character in my room, however it did not work too well. There was a slight reverb and as my room is situated on the ground floor of a house at the front, I had a lot of unwanted noise from the road outside.

I rented out the composition and foley studio to record the rest of the foley, however I was limited by a 3 hour time slot, I didn’t manage to record everything I needed. I used a highly directional shotgun microphone because although the foley studio was acoustically treated, there was still some bleed from people using the synthesisers next door. I started by recording the footsteps, this process took about 2 hours. I filled one of the trap doors with gravel and rocks, I also used some audio tape for the sound of vegetation. With this set up I was able to achieve a number of different textures, mountainside with dry grass (using the tape), gravel hillsides (using the larger rocks) and hard mud (by scraping the larger rocks out of the way and using the smaller ones against the concrete) . I found the process quite challenging at first, I often fell out of the rhythm of the steps, or starting at the wrong point. Eventually me and Raul (in the control room) figured out a method, we would watch the shot and say the rhythm of the steps, we would also figure out when the first step is and which leg it was. I could then record the track in fewer takes. I got the hang of making different surfaces pretty quickly, but I found making footsteps for different people more challenging. I recorded all of the male footsteps with my own shoes while I was wearing them, but later the time came to record the female footsteps. The method I came up with was using my hands holding some smaller shoes, I found it difficult to simulate realistic footsteps this way but after a while I sort of got the hang of it, I also ended up pitching the footsteps up in post. Due to the time restraints I didn’t manage to record footsteps for the donkey, I would have done this with some hoof sized pieces of wood or rocks, depends on what sounded better.

Recording a scene where the character falls to the ground from their knees.

Next came the sound of the coffin.

This sound came out surprisingly well. I used an old wooden violin case and wrapped it in rope. I then recorded a track of me keeping the case still under my arm while pulling and creating tension on the rope, this was for the sound of the coffin on the donkey’s back. After this I recorded the scene where the character carries the coffin on his back, to do this I increased the tension of the rope in sync with the steps of the character. I did encounter a couple of problems with this as the violin case had some cracks in it, and occasionally when I pulled the rope, pieces of wood would build up tension and release resulting in a plucking sound, this didn’t really fit the picture. I solved this by cutting around it and removing the plucks in post.

All in all the session was very successful, and I learned a lot of things. I really enjoyed the process as I found myself working around problems in creative ways, it’s very strange working in a way that only vales the outcome, in foley it doesn’t really matter what you do to achieve a sound, as long as the sound works.



I have been working on the sound of the dogs, and a couple of problems arose that I didn’t foresee. Firstly, making the barks impactful enough, I have been pulling sounds from a library and the recordings just aren’t punchy enough, they sound dry and a bit weak. To remedy this I have layered some growling that increases in volume, in effect amping up to the bark. I also used a couple of plugins on the bark, firstly I shifted the pitch down an octave to give the impression of a larger more intimidating dog, I then used an EQ to boost some of the higher frequencies to emphasise the texture of the bark. Next I used a compressor quite aggressively to give the bark a better punch, after this I used a Bit crusher to add a slight crunch to the sound. Lastly I added a convolution reverb set to a mountain top preset and adjusted the levels. I think this method has worked well, the result was a more interesting rich effect, I think the layers support and emphasise the singular bark.

The second problem I had to work around was making the FX match the location of the source to the camera. Specifically this was for the sound of the dogs running, they run away from the camera very quickly. I achieved this by automating the volume making the sound quieter as they got further away. I also applied the space designer reverb to the track, I then automated the wet output to get higher as they got further away.

I applied a reflective reverb to the sound of the vultures to achieve the effect of the character walking through a stone alleyway, I think this was very effective and places the audience in the same location as the character. I also used Ozone Imager to reduce the stereo spread of the sound, I did this to make it more directional as there is only a narrow opening for the sound to come through above the subject.



My original plan for the music was to keep it very subtle, ideally always coming second to the sound design. This is due to the context of the project, I have taken the visual from a music video so I wanted to avoid making music a main focus of the piece, otherwise it wouldn’t be very transformative. During the writing process I do think I got a little carried away and made it more prominent than I first intended, however I believe it still works as a supportive element rather than a focus. I think I have created a score that fits well with the visual, it doesn’t pull focus from the story, i think it just emphasises certain visual shots and brings a bit more emotionality to the film.

The process of making was very much through experimentation. I began with a prophet V synthesiser alternating between two chords, I then created some low drones using a bowed kalimba drum I had in Omnisphere, using a mod wheel I made it slightly move in and out of tune at points to make it sound more natural. After this I created two harmonising melodies using cello plug ins. Ideally I would like to have recorded this with a real cello, but I don’t have access to one, instead I tried to mimic the hand movements with the mod wheel. It doesn’t sound as good as I would like it but I think its the best I’m going to get it with my means. Lastly I used a granular violin to create a screaming synth that had a bird like quality grounding it the context of the scene, I believe this sound is one of the most effective at conveying/suiting the visual environment (open plains on a mountain).

I think that this experimentation has resulted in an effective score so far, it holds the emotional value I wanted it to (a sense of despair with occasional nostalgia). The pallet also suits the environment, a mix of classical instrumentation with distorted otherworldly sounds, I’m hoping this reflects the split of reality and delusion in the visual storytelling.

I plan to extend the music further later in the piece, and I specifically want to create a motif for the Juliana character, something comforting to cut through the sadness and despair of the overall theme. I think I will do this through implementing the human voice in the mix, perhaps comforting harmonies that pair nicely with some of the more un-natural sounds. If possible I would like to create some chords using the un-natural sounds that feel uncomfortable or incomplete, and then using the human voice, complete the chords to make them feel resolved or comforting. This would, in a musical context, convey the same relationships as told in ‘Birthday Letters’, Hughes being surrounded by vitriolic attack and criticism, but at the core his late wife bringing a sense of comfort, an untouchable memory impervious to outside influence.



Ive almost finished editing my atmospheres for the project. The process has been slightly different form how I expected it to be, I assumed that one of the main functions of atmospheres was to differentiate between cuts in time or changes of environment, although this can be true its used much less than I thought it would be. I originally edited the atmospheres differently for each cut, varying volume or pitch to show a change in time or location. The result of this was a very ‘jumpy’ mix, the film lacked any sort of grounding, especially as I hadn’t recorded any foley or breath for the protagonist. The whole process of making 60 different atmospheres was very tedious, I also tried to pair each atmosphere with a wind track and made a point of differing any wind tracks that were next to each other.

I later reworked these atmospheres, making the contrasts in volume less pronounced and extending audio files over multiple shots in the same scene. I also extended the wind tracks over a lot of shots and multiple scenes. I think that this has brought a better sense of continuity throughout the piece. I realise now that atmosphere is more of a subtle bed to lay other elements on. It has the very important function of setting\grounding an environment, but if they are too pronounced you will throw the listener around too much, and it will be difficult for the audience to follow the subject of the film.

Another thing I have learned through experimenting with atmospheres is that I could sometimes get away with not having any. Im not sure if this is good practice but there are times where the FX are so pronounced they inform the audience of the environment, so much so where the atmosphere is not needed. A specific example would scene 13, where the subject walks through a narrow stone hallway with no roof, while birds fly overhead. I was unable to find a good atmosphere track for this so I left it for later. Since this I have added the sound of the birds, to which I applied a reverb mimicking the stone walls, and later I will be adding footsteps and breath with this same reverb. I believe that in this stone corridor environment, the reverb would be so prominent, an atmosphere track is probably not needed.


Some Sound Analysis and Tutorial

This American Life ‘Hearing Maps’ – Listening to the background noise of your environment, the speaker listened to his heater in his office and started harmonising with it by humming. He also noticed his computer was humming, brought a tuner into the office and tried to figure out the notes. It turned out to be a major third, traditionally perceived as a happy interval. The Telephone added a higher note, making it an augmented fourth. He researched this interval and identified it as the devils interval deemed so by the catholic church. 

Takeaway- Pay attention to room tones, it will help with atmos beds. Pitch bend your atmos, and use major intervals for happy scenes, and minor intervals for sad scenes etc. Through this technique you can subtly influence your audience through atmosphere and room tone. 

Parasite- There is use of room tone and atmosphere to differentiate the families in Parasite. The rich family are associated with nature sounds and quiet calming room tones, the poor family are associated with an urban noisy, oppressive environment. The door is an important motif, the foley is very loud and grand, like a castle gate, it’s the heavy barrier between the poor and the rich, emphasising the privacy of the rich. They also used reverb to emphasise the luxuries of wealth, the poor house has a claustrophobic reverb, whereas the rich house has a vast (marble wall type) reverb. 

Elephant man- His breathing takes prominence in the mix, even close up shots that isolate another character while they speak. This brings the protagonist and the audiences experience closer together, it also emphasises the claustrophobic and uncomfortable nature of the characters condition. Breath is very important in sound design, it helps connect the audience and character. The elephant man also uses a train station’s atmosphere to reflect the protagonists sense of panic as children start to harass him, remember to use setting as a reflection of character psychology. 

Force Majeur- Character analysis, the visuals were telling us they are a happy family, but the sound was ominous and unsettling with awkward silences, this is dramatic irony. They are on Holliday to enjoy themselves, but for most of the time there was no peace in terms of sound, there were a lot of industrial sounds. The atmos added a lot of pressure to the restaurant scene, raising the tension until the turning point of act 1, the avalanche. The only non diegetic music in the film is summer by Vivaldi, adding to the sense of irony as it’s a negative take on an otherwise ‘happy’ time. The family isn’t working, and the sound makes this very clear, its uncomfortable all the way through even though, visually, there is no reason why the audience would feel this way. 

Tutorial- I need to keep in mind that I am telling a story, the audience need to be able to identify the perspective, and remain connected to the character comfortably. This can be done through use of breath and foley, to tether the audiences focus and create a constant throughout the cutting back and forth from different times and environments. I also need to soften the atmospheres, the visual jumps around a lot, cutting from one environment to another. This coupled with my contrasting atmospheres results in feeling of being chucked around, it’s hard for the audience to be grounded in the story when this is the case.


Today I attempted mixing in 5.1 in the performance lab. I did this as an exercise to grasp the process of moving sounds around a 5.1 formation, rather than it being an actual mixing session. I found the process very similar to mixing in quadrophonic, although I find quadraphony more balanced in terms of focus. Quadraphonic mixing feels like working on an equal plane, there is no focus on direction. I found 5.1 to have a clear direction, it seemed like working with a fontal plane with a lesser plane behind you. The three monitors at the front seem the most prominent, I think this is because of the visual context attached to the format. I found it very easy to move the sounds around the room and automate movement with the latch function, this was mostly useful in the slow motion scenes where I could be more creative with the sound design. I would like also use the spatialisation in a realistic manner, to create deep and textured soundscape.

This was a useful exercise for an introduction into the format. I now know what I need to do in preparation for my mixing sessions in the composition studio. I need to finish gathering and arranging atmospheres, I then need to create the FX I need to and mix them in mono. With all of the tracks I need, mixed and finished, I will go into the composition studio and mix them in 5.1. I will also research good practices for mixing in 5.1, perhaps how to structure the project, sends and busses, and some standard practices and priorities for 5.1 mixing.


‘Identifying Atmospheres’

  1. Desert
  2. NA
  3. Desert
  4. Desert Night
  5. Desert Night
  6. Desert Morning
  7. Desert Night
  8. Desert Night
  9. Desert Night
  10. Desert Night
  11. Desert Night
  12. Desert Night
  13. Desert Night
  14. Stone Corridor Day (No Roof)
  15. Stone Corridor Day (No Roof)
  16. Desert Day
  17. Desert Day
  18. Desert Day
  19. Desert Day
  20. Desert Day
  21. Desert Day
  22. Desert Day
  23. NA (Desert Night If Needed)
  24. NA (Desert Night If Needed)
  25. Desert Day
  26. Desert Day
  27. Desert Day
  28. Desert Day
  29. Desert Day
  30. Desert Day
  31. Desert Day quiet
  32. Desert Day
  33. Mountain top day
  34. Mountain top day
  35. Ruined Building Day
  36. Ruined Building Day
  37. Ruined Building Day
  38. Mountainside Day
  39. Mountainside Day
  40. Mountainside Day quiet
  41. Mountainside Day
  42. Mountainside Day
  43. Mountainside Day quiet
  44. Mountainside Day
  45. Mountainside (Sky)
  46. NA (Mountainside Day If Needed)
  47. Mountainside day quiet
  48. Mountainside Day quiet
  49. Mountainside Day quiet
  50. Mountainside Day quiet
  51. Mountainside Day quiet
  52. Mountainside Day quiet
  53. Mountainside Day quiet
  54. Mountainside Day quiet Maybe NA
  55. Desert Night quiet
  56. Desert Night quiet
  57. Desert Night quiet
  58. Desert Day
  59. Desert Day
  60. Desert Day

What I need to find

  • Desert Morning
  • Desert Day
  • Desert Evening
  • Desert Night
  • Stone Corridor Day
  • Mountain Top Day
  • Mountainside Day
  • Ruined Stone Building Day


‘Sound Matters Podcast’

I’m listening to the ‘Sound Matters’ podcast by Tim Hinman as an example of how to create an engaging audio paper. The presenter starts the podcast by playing a field recording that relates very closely to the theme of the episode, listening to nature. The recording contains him lying in a snow covered clearing, in a forrest somewhere in Sweden, he is talking to the recorder describing his surroundings. There are large pauses in his speech, I imagine to let the surrounding sound be heard, but he also takes this as an opportunity to talk in these gaps. The result of this is that the line between the field recording and the episode is blurred, he’s in two places at once, I find this very interesting and engaging. Another technique he has used is to put a very subtle melodic drone low in the mix, I think he has done this to help keep the edits smooth, so there isn’t silence between cuts. In the transition between the field recording and the next piece of audio (Animal calls) he monologues a bit, and brings the volume of the drone up underneath the vocals, and the synths become more textured and complex, this keeps the ear entertained so we aren’t just listening to him talk, its very effective. He then fades this melodic synth out as the next section begins, it works as a very effective transition almost telling the audience to listen to what comes next. Hinman introduces his guest through presenting his work first, he then has a kind of one way conversation with him. He has interviewed him and isolated his responses, Hinman then describes the guests life events and work whist inserting snippets of the interview to give more detail. As his guest (Bernie Krause) descries the origin and development of sound on earth, Hinman supports it with sound design recreating these sounds (or an interpretation at least). I appreciate the way he has blended the vocals with the sound design in the line “now wait for it… life on earth is just about to begi (booming sound)”. He cuts his own dialogue off with the sound design, this keeps the listener really engaged with the sound design, keeping them on their toes, its almost as though the sound design is leading and Hinman is talking ‘around’ it. At one point Krause makes a comment about the human range of hearing, rather than just ask the listener to understand the words being spoken, Hinman plays a note that goes from the lowest point of the frequency spectrum to the highest point. This makes it so much easier for the audience to understand the facts being said, you are way more likely to understand and retain information if you learn it through (or it is supported by) first hand experience. A rather strange technique I found is admitting fallibility, at one point the presenter struggles to say a word that Krause coined, ‘anthropophony’. This humanised the host and makes the audience feel as though they are learning along with the host, rather than being told facts.

The goal of an audio paper is to convey information, and gain understanding from the audience. I believe that a lot of these techniques will help me to do that, I think giving audio examples of the topic is the most effective way to do this. I also think it’s very important to integrate the dialogue and sound design seamlessly.


Identification of Foley Sounds


  • 2 laboured footsteps on gravel
  • 1 normal footsteps on gravel
  • Donkey footsteps on gravel
  • 3 rustles of clothing
  • Coffin creaking


  • Roar of fire starting
  • Footsteps of man on left on gravel
  • Items on donkey shifting


  • 2 rustling clothing
  • Canteen
  • Sipping
  • Campfire


  • Rustle of clothes
  • Sipping
  • Campfire


  • Rustle of clothes


  • Campfire


  • Moving rope on wood
  • Rustle of clothes
  • Footsteps


  • Donkey movements
  • footsteps on gravel
  • Chains and items shuffling on donkey
  • Clothes rustling


  • Campfire
  • Clothes rustling


  • Donkey footsteps on gravel
  • Mans footsteps on gravel
  • items shuffling on donkey
  • Coffin creaking


  • All of the about (10)
  • Clothes shuffling


  • All of the above (10)
  • Footsteps through tall grass


  • Footsteps on stone
  • Clothes rustling
  • Birds (quiet)


  • All of above (13)
  • Birds (Louder)


  • Footsteps on gravel
  • Donkey footsteps on gravel
  • Clothes rustling
  • Items on donkey moving


  • All of the above (15)
  • More prominent clothes rustling
  • Coffin creaking


  • Donkey chewing
  • Clothes rustling
  • Coffin creaking


  • Footsteps on gravel
  • Donkey footsteps on gravel
  • Coffin creaking
  • Clothes rustling
  • Glass candle holder
  • Rope
  • Bag


  • All of the above (18) but quieter


  • All of the above (18)
  • Very prominent coffin creaks


  • See 18, but quieter


  • Campfire
  • Tree cracking


  • See 22
  • Clothes rustling ?


  • Dogs footsteps on gravel (running)


  • Running footsteps on gravel
  • Rustling clothes (aggressive)
  • Swinging stick ?


  • Clothes rustling
  • Throwing stick against gravel/coffin?


  • Items on donkey shifting gently
  • Rubbing blood on fur
  • dying donkey sounds


  • Items/clothes rustling


  • Very slight rustle of clothing


  • More prominent rustling of clothing



My auditory response to this short film will be mainly focused on providing an immersive semi-realistic environment, a large part of how this will be accomplished is through the spatialisation of the sound. I plan to mix the audio in 5.1 as a believe that this format will give me what I need in terms of spatial movement of the sound. The majority of the sequences are fairly static, and I will need to created a realistic environment with atmos and foley. There are a few visual sequences that have a lot to offer in terms of movement of sound, I will separate these scenes and identify what sound will be needed and how they must move in the space.


I find this short sequence very intense, and I think the intimacy could be emphasised with a spatially comprehensive sound sequence, I imagine something close and enclosing. The content of the sound could be quite melodic to enhance the emotional aspect of the intimate scene.


In this sequence the camera slowly pans around the subject while the fire spits small sparks/cinder, I feel this would be an interesting sound to move around the mix. I think it will align the audiences experience with that of the character, hopefully creating a deeper sense of immersion.


In this sequence the subject walks through a small corridor with stone walls while birds fly above. I think that this will be an interesting scene to create spatially, ill try to make it realistic in relation to the architecture through use of spatialisation and reverb.


I feel this sequence will be one of the most spatially rich scenes, the camera moves forward through the ultra slow motion shot, moving towards the campfire and the lightning striking the tree. This will be the most challenging part of the project in terms of creating sound effects.


This sequence follows directly from 4, I can use the same sound design and pan it around the character. This will hopefully again enhance the immersion of the piece.


The camera moves backwards through an ultra slow motion shot, the character is throwing rocks at dogs about to attack him and the coffin. The rocks pass closely by the camera, I think this will sound very good In surround. Shortly after this, the dogs appear from behind, ill create some viscous sounds that will emerge suddenly from behind the audience.