‘Initial Ideas: Material and Resonance Identity’

I am interested in themes of material and potentiality. The way we perceive the sounds of objects is mostly a result of stimulation of said object. The sound of a rock is only present when it is hit, or dropped or scraped. There are objects that spend most of their existence only with the potential to make sound. In one of the visiting practitioner lectures, Sam Auinger presented a method of listening in which you take a small pebble and knock it against different materials. If you understand and mitigate variables such as the way you hold the pebble, you are able to listen to the resonance of materials and objects in a more objective way. I think that this might be an interesting concept to explore, perhaps using a technique similar to this in order to present the audio of material in a different way to how we normally perceive them, to bring these objects out of a state of audio potentiality and into a constant representation of their identity.
In regards to method Im drawn to granular synthesis as a way of turning a transient sound into a constant one, while retaining its timbre and identity. I would also like to look into exploring the resonance of materials and ways in which to uncover or present them in the most objective way possible.