
Work type-

Multichannel loudspeaker spatial installation.

Tech Specs-


  • 4 loudspeaker drivers
  • 4 XLR cables
  • Wall mounts for Loudspeakers
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Soundcard
  • Amplifier
  • Power source


  • Weather protective casing for loudspeakers


The piece will be investigating material audio quality. I have taken Ryoji Ikeda’s concept of hidden worlds and applied them to a different facet of reality. He made binary information audible, I want to make transient audio qualities of materials constant through the use of granular synthesis. In the same way the visual qualities of something (eg. A stone wall) are most often constantly visible, I want to take the audio quality of the object out of potentiality (We can only hear its audio quality when it’s interacted with) and make it continuously perceivable. I want to then install speakers playing the synthesized noises next to their respective materials.

Gallery Location-

Garden (entire or partial depending on other installations)

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