Recording session

The recording session went well, there was not as many people as I had hoped but the experiment still worked. Eight people attended the experiment, this resulted in a decent ‘crowd’ sound. The first recording went well, the lack of definite tempo and lack of practice made the synchronisation gradual (which is what I was aiming for). I set a tempo of 115bpm for the next recording, this is because I believed it to be a good tempo for composition if I want to layer more musical elements on it. The synchronisation was less gradual with each recording as the participants became more familiar with the action, which I should’ve anticipated but I believe with more participants the synchronisation would take more time. The one thing I forgot to mention to the participants until the last recording was to increase the volume of the footsteps after the synchronisation had occurred, I assumed that this would happen anyway but it didn’t.
Im glad I decided to use contact microphones as I believe those recordings will come in very useful for creative manipulation. My initial idea is to bring the contact mic recording of the synchronisation section up in the LFE, preceding the binaural synchronisation. A subtle foreshadowing of the incoming intensity.