Definition of my practice
The central area of praxis for my prototype is soundscape composition as a means to bring musicality to diegetic sounds in cinema, either through utilising material as a reverberant body or manipulating field recordings.
I am interested in this practice as it provides a challenge to scoring for cinema, that will in theory create an immersive musical experience based in environmental sound. By exploring this practice, i will gain an in depth understanding of how cinematic sound interweaves both music and representational sound. I will better understand the levels of abstraction on the spectrum of synchresis.
The physical representation of this exploration will be an approximately 8 minute score for an animation, comprised of hyper-realistic soundscapes gradually oscillating in and out of musical abstraction.
Sources that might be useful for this research are:
- Soundscape Composers
- Music Concrete Composers
- Cinematic Sound designers
- Writings on Cinematic Synchresis