EL 1 Portfolio

Identification of Ambiences– Mountain top

The sequence i have been sent can be divided into 6 shots:

  • Shot 1- Wide shot on the top of mountain (No plants or animals)
  • Shot 2- Close up tracking of baby running up said area
  • Shot 3- Close up of baby in cocoon on side of mountain
  • Shot 4- Tracking shot of baby travelling down mountainside
  • Shot 5- Baby enters garden
  • Shot 6- Wide shot from in between derelict buildings, Tracks back to centre of garden.

Within these shots there are three distinct sonic environments, mountain top, mountain side, inside destroyed buildings and the garden.

Mountain top

The mountain top is purely geophonic, no animals or plants. The only elements present are wind, rocks and metal.


Because there are no trees or cover i imagine the wind to be quite prevalent. The sound of wind can symbolise and reflect many different things in film:

  • Change- A change of wind can inform people of an inbound change of weather, this can be paralleled with a narrative change.
  • Travel- Wind is strongly associated with travel due to the use of sail boats, this can be harnessed as a narrative signifier that a journey is about to take place.
  • Freedom- Wind is mostly prevalent when there are no obstructions, this can signify an escape from a claustrophobic environment.
  • Isolation- Contrasting with the previous use, this lack of obstruction can also signify isolation, or venerability.
  • Relaxation- A gentle breeze can signify a relaxed state of mind, a metaphorical breathe of fresh air.
  • Divine intervention- Wind is beyond our control, and can be seen as a higher power. It’s sometimes used to represent the voice of a higher power. This can be seen in Japanese culture as typhoons are described as ‘Kamikaze’ meaning divine winds.
  • Destruction- The destructive power of wind is not only associated with divine power, it’s been a destructive element through out human history, people naturally recognise the destructive sound.

In this context the wind represents isolation, the babies emerge out of their cocoons to a cold world. When i refer to the world as cold, i am not referring to temperature. The babies gave a mechanical appearance, suggesting they wouldn’t feel the temperature. Coldness in this context refers to the lack of nurture on this mountain top. The phycological parallels the audience will draw from the wind’s temperature implications will evoke the narrative.


The sound of rocks crumbling can reflect multiple narrative points. Firstly the rocks can remind the audience of a traitorous environment, danger and uncertainty. The babies are born into this environment and are forced to make this dangerous journey down the mountain to the relative safety of the garden. The rocks might also create a closer connection between this abstract alien world and our own, reminding the viewer that this is set on earth.


Rhys, D. (2021) Wind – meaning and symbolism, Symbol Sage. Available at: https://symbolsage.com/wind-meaning-and-symbolism/#:~:text=As%20a%20symbol%20of%20change,both%20positive%20and%20negative%20interpretations. (Accessed: November 29, 2022).

Harrison, T. (2022) Sound design for film. The Crowood Press.

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