BA Hons Sound Arts- Y3 Professional futures module

I thought it best to talk shortly about this module as it is a part of university that has helped shape my future career. I think that it is easy to exit university without considering the steps it takes to transition into working life, most people take a break and then have to figure that out on their own. Being able to talk with other students about their plans and methods for entering careers in sound arts has been incredibly useful, people have shared companies, websites and useful connections. Having the time to reflect on this upcoming transition has made me feel more comfortable and prepared.

I think one of the most useful things I have taken out of this assignment is creating a website and CV. Through comparing websites with other students I ahem been able to refine mine into a professional display of my work. The ability to receive feedback on this important aspect of presenting yourself as a professional from working professionals is also an invaluable resource. This has given me an enormous sense of reassurance about my professional future, I now feel as though I have somewhere for people to easily access my portfolio and contact me. This tool has already led to prospective work.

I often fall into the trap of not recognising my own efforts or achievements, I find it easy to work continuously without looking back. Reflecting on my time in university has made me recognise the work I have put in, the practice I have developed and has supported my confidence in myself as a professional.

The appraisal has outlined an approximate plan for the future, I feel I have a clear idea of what it takes to get where I want to be in terms of career, and I have already started the first steps. I think I am a few years from applying to festivals and grants, but it is useful to have these organisations and funding programs outlined, so that I when I am at that stage I know how to apply.

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